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Vermin usually located in Northern England with some of the population of chavs located in Birmingham, London and Manchester. They will stand outside fast-food chains such as McDonalds and KFC with their hands down their boxers fondling with themselves while staring out other people. They will try and act hard but at the end of the day they are only little Bratts who are looking to impregnate a girl then move on

Oh Look a chav

Oh that area is known for chavs

by Jken2001 November 3, 2019


A weird boi who comes from the dark depths of the shithole we know as brum. He may come across as gay but he's not. When this boi gets drunk you need to steer clear. Goes into sugar rush after a single haribro but on a good day, after 2 or three. Also he's known for being a freak due to him wearing socks and sliders. He is also a very bad lightweight but can be funny when drunk.

Ah i'm doing a Jk today by wearing socks and sliders

by Jken2001 June 4, 2020