That which is worthy of illiciting the spooge response in the genitoid region.
I have been so hard-up for female companionship lately, it's a good thing my Lara Croft action figure is so incredibly spooge-worthy!
Generical term for "sex parts"
I'm not picky! I'm looking for random genitoid contact!
Intentionally eliciting emotional responses by either asking (ie:"What are your pet peeves?") or expressing a controversial opinion (ie:"
My heart goes out to all the victims in dear old Boston. MUSLIM=TERRORIST.") in order to find people to text with you.
He enjoys chumming the internet with his extreme opinions so he can practice arguing with people on-line.
Superlative term for something women find so sexy they think of it when they masterbate.
She loves that movie because the star is so fapulous!
21👍 26👎
Any day that is not your birthday, signifying that each day we are closer to death.
"Happy Deathday to you,
One day closer to
The day that you die,
and your life is through!"
13👍 4👎