A queef jar is a jar in which a girl is forced to queef Into. Itâs then fermented for a year, until Christmas Eve where the jar is hidden under the pillow and itâs contents are released on Christmas Day... The queef jar is said to release all sins and stress.
âeves queef jar was stored under simons pillow, ready to be released the next day!â
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The Jonesâ Jar is a jar in which every year a participant is selected to queef inside a jar, this process is repeated until the Master is satisfied with the aroma of the jar. Once the Master is fulfilled he puts the jar under his pillow on Christmas Eve and reviews his participants faces. On Christmas Day at 00:01 he lines up the photos, closes the windows and opens the jar and is infused with the reviving stench of the queefs. The Jonesâ Jar is said to revive and desires anyone to use the Process; however you need to be born in heir to the possession of a Jonesâ family member.
âOi, queef in The Jonesâ Jar love...â