1. A pastry often filled with fruit jam or some other filling.
2. Having a taste that makes one's lips pucker.
3. A woman who intentionally appears easy (slutty) and often too boldly tries to find someone to have sex with but who is rejected every time and therefore cannot qualify as a slut. Also a woman who marries a man who has no interest in sex but who keeps trying anyways. A wannabe slut.
*note: these girls are often pretty and/or sexy but tend to have a self-esteem issue or emotional issue that turns off her prey.
Girl: Hey, what's your name? You're cute. Wanna have sex?
Guy: James... errr... who are you?
Girl: Why don't we find out on the floor of my apartment. Mmmm.
Guy: Have you no respect for yourself? Get thee hence, Tart!
Girl: Your loss. I really would have had sex with you.
Guy: Ummm. Yeah, that would never happen. *shudder*
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