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A very good adult website www.lubetube.com

The adult videos on lubetube are very stimulating

by JoeyJr. November 4, 2009

230👍 117👎


Revision* Lubetube.com is a good website, but often gives viruses to those who go to it. I would not suggest this website. A website of the same caliber though is redtube.com

"Lubetube.com was good until they had all those stupid advertisements that give you viruses."
"I agree, they need to fix that or i'm not going to it anymore.

by JoeyJr. February 17, 2010

79👍 46👎


Similar in context to Ebonics, but used by suburban white teens who like to use stupid slang terms instead of actual words to speak.

Person one: "I'm texting my BIFFFLE"
Person two: "Chyeah Brospeh"
Person three: "Quit with the Webonics, use english"

by JoeyJr. February 17, 2010

6👍 6👎

Joey Jordison

Joey Jordison is a famous musician who started become well known for his drumming with the increasing popularity of his primary band "Slipknot". He is primarily known for his drumming talents in the band "Slipknot" and being the guitarist and backing vocals for the band "Murderdolls".

Although everyone calls him over rated and not a good drummer, this is very untrue. He is not the best drummer in the world, but he is one of the best. His drumming style is comprised of many different original and unique techniques. He is most well noted for his use of 2's and 4's over bassdrum triplets that he uses in a lot to most of the bands songs. As well, he incorporates many other drumming techniques and does not only focus on one certain kind.

Jordison is often criticized by metal fans that listen to death metal and feel that if you don't use blast beats in every song you must not be a good drummer. Some of these drummers could be George Kollias, Derek Roddy, or any other death metal drummer.

To sum it up, Jordison is a very popular and GOOD drummer that is often criticized by people who know less about drumming that think speed is the only thing that matters in drumming. And although he is not the best, he is an extremely good well rounded drummer.

Shane: Have you heard 'Murderdolls' or 'Slipknot' lately, they've got some really catchy songs. And that drummer/guitarist, "Joey Jordison" is very good.

Josh: YEAH he is (:

by JoeyJr. November 6, 2009

58👍 24👎

Tattoo Remorse

Looking back on a tattoo you got when you were younger, or thought would be cool at the time, you realize the tattoo is stupid and wish you had never gotten it in the first place.

Joe: My tattoo remorse is catching up on me after looking in the mirror and realizing getting my ex-wife's name "Jessica" tattooed on my arm was just dumb.

John: Yeah, that looks just plain stupid now.

by JoeyJr. September 20, 2009

5844👍 1129👎