Source Code


Of two or more streams flowing together. (Latin origin)

We followed the main stream to the point of confluence where the two rivulets conjoined.

by John UK April 26, 2022


Women's apartments in a house. (Latin origin).

I assume the young lady will adapt well to her new home at the gynaecium.

by John UK April 25, 2022


A small light boat

The skiff almost capsized on the choppy sea.

by John UK April 26, 2022


Young hawk, not yet able to prey for itself. (French origin)

We must tend the eyas until it is old enough to be independent of us.

by John UK April 25, 2022


Deliberate falsehood or deceit. (Latin origin)

His mendacity is unforgivable.

by John UK April 25, 2022


Regular order or condition. (Scottish in origin).

The old mill's arbor is still a little out of kelter and will require adjusting.

by John UK April 25, 2022


Like wood, usually in appearance. (Greek origin).

The synthetic surface of the dining table had a beautiful xyloid finish.

by John UK April 25, 2022