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People who are sexualsexual are sexually attracted to other sexualalities. However, there are some exceptions and preferences.

Dan: I'm homosexual
Clara: I'm pansexual
Sexualsexual person: Your sexualaties arouse me

by JohnBeInDaHood April 14, 2021

5👍 3👎


iith (acronym for I'm in the hood) used by somebody in the hood.

Trey: Yo, Dequan, where you at?

Dequan: iith

by JohnBeInDaHood December 6, 2020


bban ( acrynom for big black ass nigga) "bban" often refers to an overweight African American. "bban" is often used as an insult.

Cashier: What can I get you, sir?

Big CJ: All of the menu, please.

Cashier: Fuck no, you're already a bban. If you eat anymore, you'll die.

by JohnBeInDaHood December 6, 2020

Nutty Buddies

"Nutty Buddies" are friends that you tend to have group masturbations with. One rule is that you must have 3 or more people to be classified as Nutty Buddies.

Matthew: Ayo, Francisco, wanna jerk it with the homies?

Francisco: Sure. Aye, Denaldo, you tryna gather all of the Nutty Buddies, which are all of our friends, for a group session?

Denaldo: Yea, sure.

by JohnBeInDaHood December 6, 2020