A prefix denoting less than total commitment to one's ideology or belief system. It could be one believes in it but does not act on it, or does the bare minimum, or less, necessary to be able to claim that ideology, or merely sympathizes with an ideology and associates with its adherents. Originally used by Mormons to refer to vacillating or insincere members, and non-Mormon allies of the Church.
She says she's a Christian and believes in Jesus but she only goes to church on Easter and she hasn't actually read the Bible. I guess she's a Jack Christian.
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Brocialism is the political, social, and economic ideology of those who claim to have Socialist or Communist leanings, but whose behaviour or beliefs are hypocritically sexist. A brocialist will probably even claim to be a feminist, and actively supportive of women's equality, sometimes in the same moment that they treat women like dirt. Brocialist party meetings often consist of nine guys explaining Trotsky to each other while two women sit silent and forgotten in the corner.
She couldn't believe the level of brocialism present at her branch meeting. It was basically just a frat party with assigned readings.
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A genderfluid arcane spellcaster
The sorcereress had strength enough for only one more spell. Sorcerer Sorceress
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