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1. to smirk; to smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way.

synonyms: grin, sneer, leer

2. a person who shows a high level of greed, callousness, and moral vacuousness. plural: shkrelies
synonyms: avarice, cupidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity, materialism, mercenariness; rare: pleonexia; informal: money-grubbing

3. displaying a high level of greed, callousness, and moral vacuousness.
synonyms: avaricious, cupidity, acquisitive, covetous, grasping, materialistic, mercenary, possessive; informal: money-grubbing, money-grabbing

see also: narcissistic personality disorder

1. They disliked the way he shkrelied at them.

2. That businessman is a real shkreli. plural: They're a bunch of shkrelies.

3. He is the most shkreli individual that American capitalism has produced this far.

by Johnny-M February 11, 2016

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