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personally..ACDC pisses the fuck out of me. you can disagree i dont really care..but the lead singers voice is just...annoying. i cant stand it.

shook me all night long

thats what an old man sounds like with a cold

by Johnnydn October 17, 2004

44👍 173👎

bowling for soup

a band that wrote 1985, in which a bunch of fucked up teeny boppers sing along, not knowing about the bands theyre singing about

AnD bRiNg BaCk sPrinGy!, mAdna!, wAy b4 NIvRana, tHere wAs YuO TwO! aNd bLondy, aNd mYYUSic sTIll oN MtV!! LOL!! OMG

by Johnnydn March 13, 2005

60👍 88👎