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anime void

The anime void is a feeling well known by Weebs. It's a deep feeling of emptiness that occurs when the Otaku finished an anime/manga/LN that he loved.

This feeling makes you reminds that you're nothing but a fat pig in a couch waiting for something to happens in your life.

It reminds you that you'll never be a cool human-eating ghoul neither a cheated black swordsman trapped in a game. This is a every sad feeling that can only be cured with watching/reading more anime.

But once you've felt it once. You know it will forever come back when you finished a new one.
You can't be freed of it.
It'll always follow you.
You'll be sad.

Man I just finished Tokyo ghoul, my anime void is making me feel so empty

I get what you're saying. I just finished bunny girl senpai... The anime void is painful as heck

by Jointheprayerbro November 18, 2020

10👍 2👎


haiwoo (or bouyour in french) is a word popularised by Leonardios in the Lost Legion, a guild in a book written by cube kid. This term might become the official greeting of the lost legion due to his popularity

Haiwoo, said the neophyte

by Jointheprayerbro May 27, 2020