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A male version of the word slut, also meaning stupid ass hole.

"He totally hooked up with Christie and Tabatha in the same night!"

"Omg what a stassel, he needs to grow a pair!!! "

by Jomammaisahottie April 12, 2010

2👍 3👎

Aussie Kiss

An Aussie Kiss is a way to describe a kiss that takes place "down under."

guy one: "So Emily came over last night and she totally gave me an aussie kiss!"

guy two: "No way man, how was it??"

guy one: "So crazy I thought I heard kangaroos singing!"

guy two:"Right on dude!"

by Jomammaisahottie April 12, 2010

30👍 27👎


The unexpected urge to jog while drunk. Also known as drunning (drunk running).

"Me and Stacy went drogging last night cause we couldn't find a DD to drive us back to our place!"

"Oh snaps what a bummer! Hope it wasn't cold out!"

by Jomammaisahottie April 12, 2010