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Calista likes to do things her own way. She dreams of life in the city. Doesn’t like doing homework and would rather stay home. Cali has many allergies. Calista is Emo but will never admit it.

Kid: Hey wanna go to Starbucks?
Calista: sorry can’t I’m allergic to the air

by Jonnyk42 November 22, 2021

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Calista is a shy loner. She is short and has many allergies.

Kid: Hey calista wanna go to Starbucks

Calista: sorry I cant

by Jonnyk42 November 22, 2021


Calista likes to do things her own way. She dreams of life in the city. Doesn’t like doing homework and would rather stay home. Cali has many allergies. Calista is Emo but will never admit it.

Kid: Hey wanna go to Starbucks?
Calista: sorry can’t I’m allergic to the air

by Jonnyk42 November 22, 2021