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When something gets utterly destroyed; something gets killed or shot. Past tense: shot-cha'deaded.

The police shot-cha'deaded that unarmed black dude.
Stuart you retard, I'll shot-cha'dead you!

by Jorls2 April 28, 2018


A luxury personal boat, longer than 50 feet that has a permanent population of at least 10 whores.

"When I'm rich, I'll own a thot-yact"
"Karl, you only have four strippers on your boat, it isn't a thot-yact.

by Jorls2 April 28, 2018


Derived from goteem:

Something that was got; an exclamation of joy, happiness.
Antonyms: neem, an abreviation of not eem. Eem can also be combined with any word as a suffix (eg. So eem or seem, retarded eem or retardeem, etc.)

"Eem was got that day"
"I won the lottery, eem!"
"Fuck this is so damn eem!"
My dad just died, neem.

by Jorls2 April 28, 2018


Adjective describing something incredibly long, wide or generally large; above average size.

Kent Murphy hits womp homeruns
My dick is womp
Who's ass is more womp, Carla or Bridget?

by Jorls2 April 28, 2018