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This girl is a fake bitch and stay far away from her.She will use you and abuse you for all you have .This girl is very persuasive and manipulative when it comes down to what she want .STAY AWAY BOYS, as she is a beautiful and stunning and guys canҀ™t resist but she will break your heart .

Amber:Hey girl how you been?
Friend:Good thanks
Amber: {walks away}
Amber to her other friend: Damn that girl is such a hoe!

by JoshM May 19, 2020

1πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Hacking is a broad term used to describe many complex activities wherein the end goal is typically to obtain access to a computer system's servers, database(s), or stored files. This access may be any combination or desired or undesired, and legal or illegal.

Legal and condoned hacking is known as "white hat" hacking, and is used to test the security of a given computer network by hiring an individual or group of individuals to try to break in to it electronically, in order to determine the network's flaws or lack thereof.

Illegal or unwanted hacking is known as "black hat" hacking, however the term "cracking" is often used to describe malicious or malevolent hacking in which the end goal is to cause damage to the integrity of the targeted computers, whether to destroy, copy, or modify files, or possibly to install easy routes back into the system known as "backdoors".

Not all condoned hacking is legal, however. For example, if Jim's friend challenges him to hack or crack into his home computer, and Jim does so, it is still technically illegal despite the consent of his friend. Legal hacking (in the United States of America) needs to be approved with paperwork and status of employment; hobbyist hacking is generally always illegal.

Techniques for hacking vary intensely, and can incorporate activities including, but not limited to, creating pieces of software designed the circumvent (or falsely authenticate) the security in place in a given targeted computer network, creating pieces of hardware designed to do virtually the same thing known as "dongles", social engineering (a favored form of the famous hacker Kevin Mitnick), exploiting known or unknown (and subsequently discovered) bugs or flaws in the software that handles authentication to a given network, and other more obscure and clever methods.

Hacking can also refer simply to toying with computers and other electronic equipment in order to get them to do something they aren't supposed to do. This is the original and most true sense of the word, and is usually done for pleasure, amusement, proof of concept, or simply to exercise the brain. This type of hacking is generally harmless, and can even result in advances in current technology.

Unfortunately, the modern media has given hackers a poor portrayal, typically insinuating or outright stating that they are concerned with malicious destruction of electronic property, or even making accusations of cyber-terrorism. This sort of activity is more realistically descriptive of the cracking community (such as script kiddies), as true hackers do not typically ever hold the intent to cause harm, but engage in the activity for enjoyment, intellectual stimulation, or simply to surmount an obstacle. The goal is usually little more than obtaining access; once inside the system, a hacker's interests rapidly decline, as he or she has no intention to modify, copy, or destroy the files therein.

Hollywood has also given hackers an unrealistic image, portraying fancy graphics and unrealistic execution of the hacking in general. However, some movies have shown true tools or programs that real hackers have been known to use, such as the tool nmap.

Demographical data for true hackers is difficult to obtain, given their usually secretive nature, however the majority of hacking communities (such as 2600) indicate a much greater presence of males than females.

Most of us around the café here are into hacking, although some just like to watch.

He was caught hacking into a major government computer system and is currently pending trial after being arrested that same day.

by JoshM June 15, 2006

48πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Samecom - n. v. adj.

1. Used in Internet chat rooms in response to a request for a URL that happens to be the same word as the topic of discussion, but with ".com" appended. See example one for clarification.

2. (As an adjective) Primarily, to describe a URL that is redundant, uninspired, or passé. Informally, as an adjective to describe same but outside of the world wide web.

3. (As a verb) (Rare) To act in an obnoxious, uninspired, lazy or otherwise undesirable manner.

<ChatMan10> Hey, have you guys heard about Google?
<ChatterMan23> URL please?
<ChatMan10> samecom

I looked into that coffee company's website, but it was all too samecom for me.

If I have to go with you to another boring opera, I'm going to samecom so much you'll wish you'd left me at home!

by JoshM September 1, 2007


The act of using a wifi-detection program to check for open (and sometimes closed) WLAN networks. In other words, using a program to see if there's a wireless internet setup close enough that you could access or hack into it.

John and I were stumbling last night and we found a cool new hotspot, just outside of the gym!

I'm sorry I couldn't chat online with you last night, I was stumbling for hours but never got a strong enough signal.

by JoshM February 6, 2006

10πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


The cleavage seen when a women is wearing a very high cut top. Basically, the tops of the breasts will be covered but from about an inch below the nipples and down will be bare. The word is a portmanteau of "cleavage" and "nether" (meaning under, or below).

Did you see the nethage on that girl back there? She was practically topless!

This shirt has shrunk so much in the wash I'm practically showing off my nethage.

by JoshM May 23, 2006

19πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Sword and board

In role playing games in general, the expression "sword and board" refers to using a weapon in one hand and a shield in the other hand during combat, as opposed to using a weapon that requires both hands to wield and use effectively. Although the expression uses the word "sword" for aesthetic reasons (the rhyming scheme), the weapon in question can be any one handed weapon.

The monster we're up against next hits pretty hard, so I think I'm going to go sword and board for this battle.

He has to go sword and board because he doesn't have the strength to use a proper two handed weapon!

by JoshM February 11, 2006

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