Flat-earthism, nazism, fascism, capitalism, conservatism, hydroxychloroquine, death penalty, liberation of rifles, liberation of grenades, liberalism, militarism, integralism, redpill/MGTOW, machism, heterosexism, religious fanaticism, catholicism, reverse racial quotas, freemasonry, evangelicalism, christianity (and various religions), patriarchy, neoliberalism, androcentrism, white supremacy, male supremacy, heterosexual supremacy, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, supremacy of bosses, supremacy of businesspeople, business dictatorship, olavism, anti-vaccine, islamism, celibacy, chloroquine, obligation to marry, obligation to procreate, high prices in stores and privatization.
Neutral pronoun, reverse nazism, communism, socialism, progressivism, abortion, resocialization, drug liberation, disarmament, interventionism, syndicalism, bolivarianism, feminism, machism, homosexism/gayzism/lesbianism, atheism, candomblecism, racial quotas, satanism, umbandism, transsexuality, culture woke, globalism, gynocentrism, black supremacy, female supremacy, LGBT supremacy, supremacy of the poor, supremacy of the State, supremacy of employees, supremacy of public servants, dictatorship of the proletariat, marxism, lockdown, nudism, sexual libertinism, socio-affective pension, obligation to form a throuple, obligation to have an open relationship, impost (tribute), taxation and statization.
Movement supporting the traffic cone (orange and white object or black and yellow object). The translation in portuguese is "conedetrânsitismo".
Trafficconism is the only salvation against bolsonarism and lulism/petism.