Mehsiry is a state or feeling of great meh in mind and/or body. Being a telltale symptom of depression, it is generally understood to be a combination of apathy, sorrow, and boredom. Mehsiry is exceedingly common in persons attempting to slog their way through the diurnal doldrums of life in a western-oriented, technogically advanced society.
Since being overlooked for that promotion at work, Jordan had been living in a constant state of mehsiry.
Jamie could feel a wave of mehsiry washing over them as the radio began to blare news coverage from the war in Ukraine.
Megan assumed it was normal to be entrenched in mehsiry while scrolling through social media and news apps.
Sexually pleasuring oneself as a means to avoid completing some task(s). More often than not, this action is detrimental and negatively affects the procrasturbator.
Greg: Hey, did you submit that proposal last night?
Ryan: Nah, I started to procrasturbate after dinner and ended up missing the deadline.