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Emo's are the cheap immitation of goth that wear Faggoty clothes listen to depressing music and draw attention to themselves by scratching at the surface of their wrists.

The sad thing is they give so many people a bad name.
ie. They stole and Faggotised the goth's fashion.

ie. They made people think that the people who actually suffer from depression and cut themselves because they want to die (Due to their mental condition) look like attention seeking emo's.

So basically Emo's are pathetic, cheap, immitating little shits and everyone hope's they will all fuck off and die, so for once they should stop talking about it and actually do it!

EMO: "I hate my life it is a black abyss and i'm going to kill myself"

ME: Sure - i can see how having both parents, money, your own computer and lots of friends is a 'depressing black abyss'. Well you know what get the fuck off your sad little web show, stop your shit whinning and actually kill yourself.... Go on i dare you!

by Justice-Aimii September 15, 2008

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