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Name originated from america,corey's are usually curly haired and have the star sign of a virgo.Hilarious and so lovely to everyone.Makes everyone they come across feel so special in an indivigual way.Yet they have a bitter side and once they get someone close to them and make them feel like they're the most important person in the world they'll turn on you and just leave and act like you never ment anything to them.Usually a skater with a large collection of hats.

example one
Person one;Woah dude!That guy is mint,he seems mega popular and a pro' skater that includes bmx,skate boards and maybe an odd scooter!
Person two;yeh that's corey he's skilled!

Girl one;I hate that corey so much,I thought he loved me,then just went and flirted with those blonde preppy girls,everyone said we suited,I just denied it so no one new that I loved him so much.
Girl two;Don't get yourself down,he's a heart breaker.

by Justsomewhore. December 29, 2011

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