Source Code

Jelly Discord Server

Filled with 12 year olds, this Discord server is packed with annoying shit and is filled with the most brilliant of Discord Moderators.

Hey, have you been to the Jelly Discord Server?

by Jxckson December 13, 2021

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Being accused of something or being guilty of something, possibly murder. Idk.

Bro, this kid was wited for murder.

No way.

by Jxckson December 14, 2021

Black Market Tampon

Don’t trust a Black Market tampon, for they may have used fiberglass instead of cotton.

Ms, smith: Man this black market tampon I bought sucks.
Me: dumbass.

by Jxckson April 1, 2022

GitHub Pull Request Farming

Where the programmer will spam pull requests in the hopes of getting your PR accepted. Which will probably never happen.

Dude 1: Yo this kid needs to stop Github Pull Request Farming.

Dude 2: Yeah I’m trashing his Pull Request.

by Jxckson January 23, 2022

Inskip Grill

The best burger place that’s got game.

Bro the Inskip Grill got game yo.

by Jxckson August 4, 2022

Tennessee Goodbye

A goodbye where Tennesseans yell at the top of their lungs “BYE YALLLLLL”, and then get in their car and drive away..

We should give them a Tennessee goodbye.

by Jxckson December 16, 2021


American College Testing (Abbreviated ACT), is a test in which students sit at a cramped school desk for 4 hours straight, the math section of this test is usually the most frustrating and it might make you want to jump off a cliff. This test is also known to other students as a substitution to the real hell.

Dude 1: I got a 10 on The ACT

The Nerd: Ha, loser I got a 36.

by Jxckson October 9, 2022