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Pinko Town

Newtown, in Sydney, Australia. Where all the commies live. Just down the road from Commieville, aka Marrickville.

Psi: We'll be sending our daughter to Newtown School of Arts and Drama
Me: Oh! You mean in Pinko Town? Where all the commies live?
Psi: *dirty look*

apparently pinkos don't like to have it pointed out that they are low-key commies.

by JypsiPixie July 3, 2018

2👍 2👎

Agent provocateur


Milo Yiannopoulos is an Agent provocateur; he doesn't seem to really have an objective opinion, only says things to piss people off and thereby increase his notoriety. While some of the things he says do seem quite rational and logical, he merely repeats other people's controversial ideas.

by JypsiPixie November 22, 2017

7👍 6👎