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The Final Countdown

A trashy 80's metal song about space travel by a Swedish metal band called Europe. One can be entertained by listening to this song for hours.

Haha The Final Countdown is playing. What a crappy song.

by KARL April 5, 2005

49πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž

woman with a mullet

Gives a whole new meaning to, "...Party in the rear."

When you cut your hair into a mullet, peopla say that you want, "business in the front and a party in the rear."

by KARL March 16, 2004

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


An ancient race of humanoids from planet of the same name. Some famous Vulcans include Spock, Sarek, Surak, T'Pau. T'Pol' T'Pring

Dude, just go Vulcan when the cop catches up and pulls us over.

by KARL November 22, 2004

206πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

chemical brothers

two guys named tom and ed who essentially founded a variation of electronica known as "big beat" in the 90's. however, many beleive that the group cannot be classified into one specific genre, and their music is eclectic and shows influences from places outside of electronic music (such as rock and even hip-hop).

their first few albums displayed huge amounts of creativity and originality (such as "dig your own hole" and "surrender") that obviously could not be sustained for very long. i beleive they have passed their prime; and they know it, so they are currently collaborating with other artists, and the music they do now sounds almost nothing like their past.

the crystal method, fatboy slim, and the chemical brothers are all credited with the foundation of "big beat"

one song of theirs that became really popular was "block rockin' beats".

by KARL June 28, 2005

63πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


skateboard slang - when the skateboard hits you in the shin... usually not a big deal but hurts like you-know-what for a few minutes. imagine if someone just walked up to you and whacked your shin with the edge of a skateboard... it ain't fun, and it leaves a big purple mark on your leg. after 4 or so years of skating your legs should look like cobblestones, but its all good cause now you are a good skater.

i was just trying a 360-flip and got a mad shinner... it got better pretty quick though.

by KARL July 11, 2004

147πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


religion is the enemy of God. that may have sounded a bit weird, but I define religion as the traditions and rituals (which are often times unessecary) that surround a particular beleif. I personally consider Catholosism to be a religion because they do many activities that are not outlined in the Bible. Religion is a distraction from God.

athiest: are you religious?
guy in question: well, that depends on what you mean by religion. If i say, 'yes' then i become subject to much belittling. If i say no, it would seem as if i do not beleive in god. I'm in a rut!

by KARL May 28, 2004

17πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


an occupation that involves taking (stripping) one's clothes off for the sexual stimulation of others. most strippers are female.

when a woman is a stripper, the only thing she has to be proud of herself is her body. her mind, her creativity and her emotions ultimately become something of little value and importance. it is depressing to know that some women think that the only thing valueable about themselves is their body and what they can do with it.

by KARL July 24, 2004

2274πŸ‘ 1312πŸ‘Ž