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Milton, MA

What might be the most boring town you could ever encounter in your entire life. The only remotely good thing to do here is go to the high school football games, and go down the square, the main hangout. You can also go to the woods if your a drinker/smoker. The high school is retarded, kids smoking and getting blown in the bathroom. The middle school is full of little boys who think they are tough, and slutty girls who think what they want is sex. We were voted the most Irish community in the United States a few years back, and almost everyone has a Boston accent.

"Wow, dude, i can't believe i live here in Milton, MA. I'm dropping out and moving to Boston."

by KFlavin October 12, 2006

29πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Another word for boob.

see boob

Look at those hot lesbians touching each others jumbilies!

by KFlavin May 19, 2005

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Evolution of Dance

The Evolution of Dance is a very popular video on the site youtube, which let's you bring your videos to the internet. The man in the video is Judson Laipply, a now popular comedian, doing dances from a number of different songs. You can watch the video at www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMH0bHeiRNg
It is now the most viewed video on youtube.

Dude, The Evolution of Dance is the coolest video!

by KFlavin April 29, 2007

54πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž


A smiley of a guy dancing.

Guy1: W00t i'm winning!!1 t(^.^t)

Guy2: ?

by KFlavin August 29, 2006

6πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

super finger

................/.../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Also see su-fi

So i just flipped him a su-fi and walked off.

by KFlavin July 2, 2005

600πŸ‘ 284πŸ‘Ž


Derived from the word rofl, or "rolling on floor laughing." It means "rolling on floor laughing then shit myself."

Guy one - "That girl is fucking beat."
Guy two - "ROFLTSM!!1!"
Guy one - "...Shutup."

by KFlavin June 28, 2006

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž