Source Code


To leave or exit

"We're gonna jet because we have to meet some peeps in 15 minutes"

by KImCobain February 11, 2015

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0% interest for x months

A sales tactic targeted mostly at people without money, good credit or low interest credit cards. Means the financial entity will keep accruing interest at a generally usurious interest rate until the conclusion of the specified number of months. If the purchase isn't paid in full by then, the buyer gets hit with an enormous "balloon" of accrued interest. Unless you can pay the purchase off quickly, you're a huge sucker.

Buy this incredibly marked up living room set today and get 0% interest for X months!

by KImCobain March 13, 2015

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you need to see this

The words uttered by any person in the process of shoving a tablet, smart phone, or any other video or photo transmitting device in your face. Sometimes it's interesting and inappropriate, but usually in a workplace environment it's the same boring pics of a coworker's kids or grandkids doing typical and predictable kids or grandkids foolishness.

(While pushing an IPad into your face zone) "Dude, you need to see this."

by KImCobain March 6, 2015

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Public Transportation Loser

A person, usually a drama queen woman, who loudly broadcasts her relationship woes on Public transportation via cell phone.

As II sat on the L I had to listen to an hysterical Public Transportation Loser scream at her baby daddy for the entire trip.

by KImCobain September 2, 2015

Harvey Spectered My Ass

Getting your ass kicked by a major Harvard badass - in anything and everything you do. You quickly learn the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary"

I was in line for a partnership before Blackmon Harvey Spectered my ass.

by KImCobain June 16, 2018


Friends who make plans and then ditch at the last minute - even when you are already at the bar or restaurant.

Don't bother making plans to meet up with Pete - he's such an acehole that you'll be sitting at the bar alone all night.

by KImCobain August 25, 2017

Door to door used shoe sales

The Insurance industry

The insurance industry, besides being the spawn of Satan, is nothing more than door to door used shoe sales.

by KImCobain April 10, 2015