Source Code

bubble wrap

The single most enjoyable plastic-based product on this earth.

A sheet of thin plastic filled with air bubbles - thus creating a thing for endless hours of popping fun.

Student: What should I subscribe a patient for depression?

Highly knowledgeable doctor bloke: Bubble wrap, you foolish gimp!

by KORG September 3, 2003

515👍 64👎


also "bugel"


I'll buy some bugle off you for £40

by KORG May 11, 2004

331👍 127👎

serve up

to deal drugs, usually cannabis

if you want any skunk then i'm serving up

by KORG June 21, 2005

32👍 10👎


1.Any given number.
2.A high number. Several.
3.A random filler word

Larry Frifflepith: How many times have you been to Dagnall?

Eduardo Ganjahaha: TWELVETY!

by KORG August 28, 2003

20👍 15👎


Dealing drugs, esp. Cannabis.

Also shottin

I make money by shotting

by KORG June 21, 2005

190👍 30👎

spit fuck

Where two men make love to one woman at the same time, using two different orifices - like a pig on a spit.

Barry and Frederick spit fucked Anthea for her 12th birthday

by KORG April 4, 2004

69👍 90👎