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1. One who suffers from a mental illness wherein he/she is frequently compelled to offer destructive criticism to/of others, as a consequence of one or more personal insecurities.

(Note: Contrary to popular belief, the insecurity prompting a type 1 hater is not necessarily 'jealousy', as the other often has nothing that the hater covets. Instead, the hater is prompted by conscious or unconscious, real or imagined perception of some deficiency within the self and/or life. The cause is mental imperfection of the subject/hater, little to do with the object/hated.)

2. One who assesses another with the conscious intent of degradation, such that the assessment is unfair, inaccurate and/or uncalled for.

(Note: Unlike the type 1 hater above, the type 2 hater is aware that their judgments are negatively skewed. Such a hater will make a conscious decision to be untruthful in order to degrade another. The motivation behind instances of a type 2 hater varies on a case by case basis. Note also that this is not a compulsive state of being like the type 1 hater, so someone may be a type 2 hater only in a given circumstance.)

3. One who takes pleasure in the act of criticizing another. Synonyms: a**hole, d**k, b***h

(Note: The nature of and reason for the criticism -- e.g. accurate, requested, constructive, etc. -- is irrelevant for the type 3 hater. The distinguishing factor is that the mere act of other-directed criticism suffices for positive valence (e.g. enjoyment).)

Hater: Oh, is that your new boo? *scowl*
Other: Yea, I love her.
Hater: She's aight but she can't dress. I could never date a girl who would walk out the house lookin like that. That's why I don't mess with any of these broads around here.
Other: Fuckin hater.

by KSharpIAm May 25, 2012

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