Source Code

Dirty shit

An asshole

You are a dirty shit

by Kai_is_strange November 11, 2018

10👍 4👎

pure cunt

Someone who is a pure cunt

You are a pure cunt

by Kai_is_strange November 11, 2018

dickish move

A move thats almost a dick move but not quite

That was a dickish move

by Kai_is_strange November 11, 2018

math games

Stupid games math teachers make to make class (fun). You know they suck but you like them because it's better than what class is normally.

Those were some math games. No it sucked. Ya but it was better than class. I guess.

by Kai_is_strange February 16, 2017

5👍 1👎

Poorly wiping

When you wipe poorly

I'm poorly wiping

by Kai_is_strange November 11, 2018