Source Code


Big Arse Sword!!

self explanitory..
I like swords!! ^_^

by KaimanaKenshin December 2, 2003

1👍 19👎


1) a way of saying goodbye at night
2) a shortcut for goodnight

person1: well i gotta go to bed now
person2: no you dont
person1: uh.. ya i do
person2: ok nighters
person1: bye

by KaimanaKenshin December 2, 2003

36👍 7👎


Abreviation for the coolest stuff around.. DUCT TAPE

I used DT to make my suit for the prom!
I have wallet made of DT!

by KaimanaKenshin December 2, 2003

19👍 24👎


A greeting in Bob and George circles

ran says this many times to mean Hello and other such noncense

How are you today

by KaimanaKenshin December 2, 2003

21👍 223👎


^_^ is an emoticon expressing joy, it is nither homosexual nor sexist in any way shape or form. It is most used in anime circles, along with variations including but not limited to ^_^;; @_@ >_< >_> <_< 0_0 0.0 =^_^= =^.^= 0o0 etc...

i love you ^_^
you said penis ^_^;;
aaahh i have soo much homework @_@
doh >_<
ooohhh 0o0
YAY =^_^=

by KaimanaKenshin December 2, 2003

478👍 282👎