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A name deemed for either a male or female, usually used over the internet.

A person with this name stands out from others and attracts people to them by just acting as themselves; this often brings hatred towards them from jealous people. Often kind-hearted people, until you use their benevolence as a weakness to hurt them. I warn you now. Do not anger a Gez, it will only be your downfall.

A female Gez is known to have many random bouts of insanity and crying, usually creating an area of pandemonium around her. You know you have spotted the female type of Gez when you see one sobbing in a corner. My advice would be to approach it with caution as it may bite when startled.

"Gez sits in a corner and randomly bursts into tears."

by Kaisui December 19, 2004

59👍 30👎


Efil is "Life" backwards

Person 1: "What's Life backwards?"

Person 2: "Efil"

by Kaisui November 10, 2013

51👍 24👎