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Meaning boyfriend/ girlfriend; can be used to flirt with other people

Crush: "Bae, stop playing and give me a hug."
Girl: " Okay bae"

by Kakashisan21 March 7, 2019

2👍 2👎


So much shit

Dan: "you just been going through sms, I know your probably sad..."
Gill: " yeah I'm glad you understand..."

by Kakashisan21 March 1, 2019

8👍 2👎


When you see, hear, read, etc., something cute or adorable. Very likely to be used by girls in text messages, and in conversations in general.
Can also be used if they don't know what to say. As in Awe okay

*can be emphasized by using multiple e's*

Boyfriend: I'm still tired from earlier, like really tired bae
Girlfriend: Aweebae, sounds like you needa take a nap

by Kakashisan21 March 7, 2019

202👍 63👎