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the soviet union

A grand social experiment that led to the death of hundreds of millions of humans.

Western soy boy communists wish to bring back the soviet union regardless of the death and destruction it would cause.

by KalluHavumaki609 February 23, 2020

55👍 48👎


Left-handed-Exclusionary Radical Feminist

LERFs don't interact!

by KalluHavumaki609 October 30, 2018

3👍 1👎


A proponent of Nationalism

Nationalists want citizenship to be the sole basis of their group identity.

by KalluHavumaki609 February 23, 2020

forest mongol

The people of Finland, the inbred descendants of The Great Khan.

Those goddamn forest mongols are at it again... this time they destroyed entire divisions of the Soviet Union!

by KalluHavumaki609 October 26, 2018

4👍 3👎