Source Code

Gateway SOG

An activity that is related to what you should be studying, but opens the door dangerously to full blown SOG activities.

What we should be learning this hour:
- Fumdamentals of aerodynamics

"Ooh Smarter Everyday uploaded a video explaining laminar flow, that's exactly what I need right now"

"Know what you're getting into, sounds like a classical gateway SOG. Youtube recommendations have a way of sucking you in"

What we actually learned this hour:
- There is this parody nobel prize, the IG nobel prize
- It is awesome
- The wheel has been patented in 2001
- France tested atomic bombs on the 50th anniversary of Hiroshima
- Pigeons can discriminate Picasso paintings from Monet
- The therapeutic benefits of playing Didgeridoo
- Cats are both a solid and a liquid
- How to add new definitions to Urban Dictionary

by KampfSchnebenundflertzig January 27, 2019


Studie-ontwijkend gedrag; Dutch acronym, literally meaning study avoiding behavior, or procrastination. Most likely the reason you are here. Get back to work you lazy twat!

He Mark, hoe gaat het met je afstuderen?

Mwah, beetje aan het soggen *schrijft beschrijving van SOG in urban dictionary*
(If you dont understand this, use Google Translate, I've wasted enough time)

Wouter, ben je weer aan het soggen?
Ja, ik heb een nieuw Rubikscube-record!

by KampfSchnebenundflertzig January 27, 2019