(1) "Smoke my cigarettes. I should quit, I know. Maybe someday someone will see my worth, but until then, I'll do just fine with my cigarettes and this old dirt road".
2) If Jessica Harp of The Wreckers met me when she wrote the song "Cigarettes", she'd probably add, "Or Karen's ex-staff will see me in chemo. And, no, I don't smoke cloves like they did, either".
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a cancer treatment consisting of being hooked up to medicine-containing machines Side effects include losing your hair
Joe is going to see you in chemotherapy if you don't stop your smoking.
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Author of Social Stories and the phrase "Normal doesn't exist"
Hey Mike, you're not the only one who says that normal doesn't exist. Carol Gray says the same thing. Did you get that from her?
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an alcoholic drink that usually has "pina" in front of it
Chad plans to drink coladas on every continent. If he started that, how many has he drunk so far?
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A hair color that is often confused with being stupid because blondes have more hair on their heads
All you people who are tired of this dumb blonde crap, come and listen to a song I've written on this matter - "Dumb Blonde Blues" - and maybe after you hear it, you'll open your eyes on the fact that the color of your hair has nothing to do with your intelligence.
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the majority of Urban Dictionary's definitions
Every time I've looked up food phrases on Urban Dictionary, they've all had sexual definitions.
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an example of an obsessed fan gone to the extremes
Nathan Gale must have been an obsessed fan of Pantera and Dmageplan, and killed Dimebag Darrell because of something he wanted that couldn't be fulfilled; or he was pissed at Dimebag for collaborating with Nickelback. Either way, he is burning in hell for what he did, and the metal community knows that he won't hurt anyone else anymore. Even I haven't done anything like that to anyone in Eve 6, and I was an obsessed fan of them.
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