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Like a period for men.
Once a month the opening will close and caws pain.so poke poke poke away.

Don't forget to colada

by Sufisticated July 31, 2022


an alcoholic drink that usually has "pina" in front of it

Chad plans to drink coladas on every continent. If he started that, how many has he drunk so far?

by Karen Stickney December 11, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Santorum Colada

A frothy tropical drink made with rum, pineapple chunks and santorum.

Fred Phelps plans to serve Santorum Coladas at the Westboro Baptist Church's next Holy Communion. Here's how to make a Santorum Colada:

3 oz light rum
3 tbsp coconut cream
3 tbsp crushed pineapples
1 shot of santorum*

Put all ingredients into an electric blender with 2 cups of crushed ice. Blend at a high speed for a short length of time. Strain into a collins glass and serve with a straw to felch it down. Top with frothy santorum.

*If you don't have any santorum on hand you can fake it as follows: Combine 1/4 cup of AstroGlide in a blender with a dollop of shit. Beat to a heavy froth.

by Cuntoleezza Rice April 8, 2012

Penis Colada

The act of sticking your penis into a unsuspecting victims drink, and 'using your swizzle stick as a swizzle stick.' Can include the added 'extra' of bodily fluids.

Man, can you believe Gups gave Jaraad a Penis Colada at that 21st the other night.

by Dwayne's Love Child November 27, 2008

349๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pina colada that has intentionally had rufies or any other date rape drug added to it.

The only way your going to get some action at the party tonight is if you start handing out rufie-coladas.

by jpassman May 24, 2007

45๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

spicy colada

A spicy colada is when a woman puts hot sauce in her mouth before giving a man a blowjob and then recieves anal from him afterward.

Cowboy Jack served up his woman a spicy colada.

by David and Forrest February 17, 2009

pinga colada

1. To bust a nut in someone's mouth and they drink it like a soft drink.
2. To guzzle lots of load of cum or semen

Thomas simmerson know his favortie drink is pinga colada.

by douglass dj davis August 24, 2006

58๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž