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Fab Five

just to add the etymology,
The FAB FOUR referred to the Beatles.
The Queer Eye guys I suppose reminded folks of the popularity and zaniness, the mop head hair and foppish dress of mod London and of the Beatles (John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney etc)

the film "A Hard Day's Night" and "Yellow Submarine"

by KatWoman January 8, 2005

3👍 22👎

fashion victim

the fashion police should arrest all such persons. they can be identified easily, all their clothing will have designer logos, they will be perfectly manicured, groomed and waxed and buffed. But instead of looking chic they will look "over the top" because they have no real taste or style. The mark of a true fashion victim is wearing every faddish trend that comes out.

Paris Hilton is a fashion victim, someone please arrest her.

by KatWoman January 8, 2005

313👍 131👎


variation of tourist, maybe Spanglish?

Look at all those German touristas, they all have brand new Nike's and bad sunburns.

by KatWoman January 8, 2005

14👍 6👎

Bridge people

derogatory term referring to suburbanites who travel into the urban core for work or socializing.

Don't go to a South Beach club on a weekend, it will be filled with bridge people and touristas

by KatWoman January 8, 2005

10👍 12👎