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to be just so fucked up that ur brain is completely unfunctional for a certain period of time.

Nigga im so zooted right....now...uhhh

by Kavoen November 5, 2006

2083👍 743👎


Basically saying "What?" but with an accent to completely throw off whoever you are questioning within a conversation, debate, confrontation, argument, etc.

Making them look foolish.

Goon #1: "You gotta play defense nigga! Get up in his face and lock his ass down.

Goon #2: Whart?

Goon #1 (with a significant look of confusion and anger): huh?

by Kavoen July 20, 2010

61👍 12👎

Akon black

One who is extremely black.

Damn look at that nigga, he akon black!

by Kavoen September 18, 2007

358👍 115👎

Myspace Waiting Period

The three-day period in which you wait before adding someone on myspace who you have just met.

I knew that Christina had a myspace, but i've never met her. I just met her today so I have to wait out the myspace waiting period.

by Kavoen October 11, 2007

116👍 8👎