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IN MY OPINION, the shittiest band to walk the planet. All they ever do is covers and completely butcher old songs.

"Oooh Mandy...AHHH!"
*gunshots are heard*

by Kay March 20, 2004

115πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

chillin like a villian

Trent, 'spelt' is British English for 'spelled'.

Anyway, as said before, it's SPELT "chillin like a villAIN" not "chillin like a villian". It means you are really relaxed et cetera. like a head of a rich criminal organization

"What are you doing?"
"Chillin' like a villain"

by Kay May 26, 2004

279πŸ‘ 208πŸ‘Ž


black buff and hott

nelly is a bbh

by Kay April 30, 2004

7πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


1. Home of Evil Personified - Ronald McDonalds
2.Place that people pretend to despise to act cool, but eat at every Saturday.

McDonald sucks ass! I hate it! *chomps on Big Mac*

by Kay July 27, 2003

264πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž

Spirit Of The Stairway

The French have a phrase "The Spirit Of The Stairway" (In French: Esprit d'Escalier). It means the moment when you find the answer, but it's too late.

You're at a party and someone insults you. You have to say something. So under pressure, with everybody watching, you say something lame. But the moment you leave the party?

As you start down the stairway, then - magic. You come up with the perfect thing you should've said. The perfect crippling put-down. That's the spirit of the stairway.

by Kay August 13, 2006

72πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


1. Verb. Used to describe one who is continually begging for things off other people, such as fags and money, even though they can afford it themselves.

2. Noun. Used to describe one who dresses in revealing clothing and spreads her legs for anyone and everyone and lost her virginity at age 10. See slut. For a living example of a skank, search on Google for pictures of J-Lo, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

1. Bob: That fucking skank keeps begging me for cigs.
Jim: Lets tie her to a tree and beat her to death with our baseball bats
Bob: YEAH!

2. Bob: I just slept with a skank, she was fucking crap in bed.
Jim: Lets stick her in a roon, along with every single towniein Shrewsbury and then set in on fire and watch them all burn to death.

by Kay January 18, 2004

2πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Alright people, you are a bunch of retards! It does NOT mean sexy. It means that you have taken a personal vow not to ever drink, do drugs, or smoke. Get a clue will you?

by Kay August 18, 2003

615πŸ‘ 494πŸ‘Ž