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sexi gurl

by Kazuo July 31, 2003

56👍 35👎


In high school, preps usually:

-Are on the varsity football team, the cheerleading squad, or dance squad

-Are rich

-Wear clothes from stores such as Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister

-Have cellphones with ringtones

-Are the first in their class to have cars and other "adult" luxuries

-~:*TyPe LiK dIs On Da InTeRnEt*:~

-Know absolutely nothing about music outside of what is on MTV or the radio

-Know absolutely nothing about "nerd" things (anime, comic books, D&D, etc)

-Think goths are "evil Satan worshipping freaks"

-Do not play video games outside of sports/racing games and Halo/Halo 2 (males) -Do not play video games at all (females)

-Do not play musical instruments, write poetry, or have any artistic qualities of any kind

-Spend their weekends at the mall, at school sports games, or at parties, where they "get drunk off their ass"

-Are absolutely HATED by most intelligent people (including me) for their stupidity and snobbish attitude.

Prep: LiKe OmG iM gOnNa Go 2 aBeRcRoMbIe AnD fItCh AnD dEn WaTcH mTv

Me:...*wants to tear their head off*

by Kazuo February 15, 2005

2288👍 1120👎