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From First to Last

Post-hardcore rock band consisting of members:

Matt Good (Singer & Guitarist)
Matt Manning (Bass)
Derek Bloom (Drummer)
Travis Richter(Guitarist)

The previous lead singer of the band (Sonny Moore) departed 07' following the bands breakthrough album "Heroine" and since then Matthew Good has taken a step up from a role as back-up vocals to leading the band once more vocally as he did in their first album "AESTHETIC"

The band has 4 albums, as following:

-Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has A Body Count
-From First to Last

PersonInTuneWithTheirCreativeMind: Freaking God, have you heard the new From First to Last album?!

AlarmedStranger: I'm sorry?

by KihatsuseiJuturna July 21, 2008

10👍 2👎