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A method of understanding the natural world through observation and experimentation.

Despite many claims to the contrary, it is not immune to a priori assumptions or worship.

Killing Kittens: Gee Mr. Science, what have we learned today?

Mr. Science: Well David, we've learned that Broca's methods of measuring the skulls of various races has proven the inherent superiority of the average white male.

KK: But didn't he purposefully select younger female skulls to get a lower mean for different ethnic groups?

Mr. S: Now David, he was a highly trained professional. Don't let your political correctness get in the way of scientific fact. It's wishful thinking, and a bit too idealistic of you.

KK: But . . . isn't it true that cranial capacity doesn't have anything to do with intelligence . . . at least not as much as brain size in proportion to body size? And that women are simply proportionately smaller on average than most men?

Mr. S: Only seemingly, David. Be casreful not to draw your conclusions from biased sources.

KK: Thanks Mr. Science!

by Killing Kittens October 14, 2004

49πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


The most sincere and socially responsible reaction to self-awareness.

You could endd it all, but you just don't have the guts.

by Killing Kittens January 18, 2005

443πŸ‘ 239πŸ‘Ž


A genus of mongolian dromaeosaurid living about 80 million years ago during the late Cretaceous. It was a small and nimble creature about 6 feet long, bird-like in structure, with a narrow, flattened head and an enlarged "killing claw" on the second toe. The arms ended in three-fingered hands with flexible wrists that could be "folded" like those of a bird.

They were probably quite social as well, and there is also evidence to support that they were nasty to each other as well as their prey. An overwhelming piece of evidence suggests that Velociraptor preyed on the ceratopside Protoceratops, as one specimen was found gripping the head frill of the latter with it's foot claw in the creature's belly. The Protoceratops, in turn, was apparently biting the Velociraptor's arm with it's horny beak and ramming it's bony head into the raptor's chest. What calamity claimed the lives of both creatures is unknown.

Velociraptor, of course, was popularized by the Jurassic Park films and portrayed inaccurately. The so-called raptors in the films are much too big (Deinonychus-sized), would almost certainly have had feathers, and were not as fast as cheetahs or as smart as monkeys. Instead, raptors may have been about as smart as birds of prey.

Other Dromaeosaurid genera include Deinonychus, Dromaeosaurus, Utahraptor, Adasaurus, Variraptor, Megaraptor, Saurornitholestes, Sinornithosaurus, Bambiraptor, and Rhahonavis.

Velociraptor was one mean little SOB who could dish it out, but not take it.

by Killing Kittens June 9, 2004

187πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


That which does not ostensibly exist and is futile to achieve yet without which our lives are utterly devoid of meaning.

Idealists are never truly happy.

by Killing Kittens May 19, 2004

109πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


A worshipper of the self or the god of science, often unknowingly religious.

An atheist can speak of moral relativism, but not live it.

by Killing Kittens September 14, 2004

5223πŸ‘ 4989πŸ‘Ž


An individual whom evolution and society both favor because he exhibits selfish, cruel, extroverted genes which will enable to him to successfully negotiate the adult world. Society pretends to dislike him, while hypocritically acting as if we approve of his behavior. Contrary to popular belief, bullies often ARE successful later in life, while their victims are not. After all, it is strength humans value and strength that rules us.

See also jerk and nice guy.

Bullies may be beneath contempt, but I also hate to admit that I may envy them.

by Killing Kittens March 6, 2005

114πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž


A web site where you can create your own definitions to common words so as to comment on society, which are then deleted by those people who are offended by the truth.

I wish urbandictionary.com would tell you when enough people dislike your definition and want it dead.

by Killing Kittens October 14, 2004

60πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž