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gay friend

A man that a woman tolerates, but is not attracted to.

No guy ever wants to be a gay friend, unless he actually is gay.

by Killing Kittens March 31, 2005

30πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


Of, or relatining to evidence accepted by empiricism. The fallacy of believing that nothing exists except what is proven by scientific evidence, of which there is no scientific evidence to prove; an arbitrary decision to to narrow the bounds of reality to the bounds of the scientific method.

"A trillion years ago we were a civilization like any other. We believed in the transmittance of souls, the Virgin matrix, the infallibility of Pi Squared, looked upon prayer as a regenerative feedback to the Great Programmer, and so on and so forth. But then skeptics appeared, empiricists and accidentalists, and in nine centuries they came to the conclusion that There's No One Up There At All and consequently things happen not out of any higher plan or purpose, but--well, they just happen." --Stanislaw Lem, from "The Cyberiad"

by Killing Kittens May 19, 2004

20πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


1. Belief in the spirit, soul, often as it relates to religious, sacred, or otherwise noncorporeal matters. A little metaphysics and philosophy are peripherally related as well, as its purpose is to give us perspective on life and what to do with it.

2. The application of any sort of philosophy, however defined, regardless of whether the person in question has any spiritual beliefs or not. This use of the word is so vague that it can be redefined to mean anything, even something that is completely materialistic.

I'm sorry, "belief in the laws of science" is not spirituality. "Realising your own inner divinity" is not spirituality. "Being nice to people" is not spirituality. If you have no spiritual beliefs, you are not spiritual, simple as that.

Of course, one shouldn't be afraid to call oneself and atheist or agnostic. It doesn't mean you are shallow, immoral, closed-minded, intellectually dishonest, or anything of that sort.

by Killing Kittens November 17, 2005

128πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

death penalty

The most barbaric anachronism in the western world, most likely to be bestowed to minorities.

We kill people for killing to prove that killing is wrong.

by Killing Kittens October 10, 2004

154πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž


1. A symbol of importance to the science of witchcraft and the religion of paganism.

2. A fashion statement of teenagers who want attention.

Those who know the true power of the pentacle don't wear it casually.

by Killing Kittens May 20, 2004

56πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


One of the world's dominant religions, combining the philosophy of the Greeks with pagan practices and the moral rigor of Judaism, centered around the teachings of Jesus (Yeshua).

Christian theology has ingeniously solved the dilemma of mercy and justice and provided the basis for equality before the law, appreciation of science and education, and the addition of a moral basis to political structures, and the truest rationale for human rights.

Many of the ant-christian intellectual elite would like us to believe, however, that before Christianity, mankind lived a peaceful and idyllic existence without corruption, bigotry, or warfare.

Those angry about Christianity are often using christian standards of right and wrong.

by Killing Kittens December 3, 2004

79πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

nice guy

A man who has rejected the societal notion of masculinity and chosen to define himself from the inside out instead, realising that traits such as empathy and nuturing are not actually limited to the female of the species, and nor are aggression and assertiveness limited to the male.

Despite this newfound revelation, however, there is still a strong genetic predisposition for humans to continuously behave as if we were animals seeking out the alpha male with those genes most suited for surviving in a hostile environment.

Often times, the average woman, whom society encourages to indulge in her weaknesses and surpress her strengths, is a self-loathing masochist who may appreciate the nice guy's friendship and understanding, but feels no attraction toward him because his insecurities remind her of why she hates herself. Therefore, she almost always seeks the dominant, aggressive, unempathic male with whom she can vicariously live to make up for her weaknesses. Of course, this inidividual, commonly known as a jerk, is also usually an egotistical, disloyal, and shallow person for whom societal dictates of masculinity will force him to disregard his mate's feelings and treat her as if she were beneath him.

Feeling emotionally unsatisfied, the female will then turn to her nice guy friend, whom she has long since castrated, for comfort, and complain to him about how men suck, except for him, and that he deserves a good girlfriend eventually except that it is never her or any other woman he might encounter.

I'm a Nice Guy? Fuck You!

by Killing Kittens March 1, 2005

1496πŸ‘ 964πŸ‘Ž