Source Code


Capital: Paris, 48°52′N, 2°19.59′E
Official Language: French
Demonym: French

Government: Unitary semi-presidential republic
- President: Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP)
- Prime Minister: François Fillon (UMP)

- French State: 843 (Treaty of Verdun)
- Current constitution: 1958 (5th Republic)

EU Accession: March 25, 1957

- Total: 674,843 km² (40th), 260,558 sq. mi

Population: 64,473,1405 (20th)

World's leading exporter of faggotry.

Contrary to popular belief, France's greatest contribution to the world has not been art, cuisine, or wine. It has, in fact, been faggotry.

by King Slim July 11, 2008

42👍 91👎


(n). A homosexual male. Taken from the word 'bonfire', a flaming pile of sticks. A pile of sticks can also be called a faggot. A bonfire is a flaming pile of sticks, or a flaming faggot. Bonfire = Flaming Homosexual.

You butt pirates are a bunch of bonfires!

by King Slim August 10, 2004

44👍 139👎

Stacy Kiebler

Stacy Kiebler: (n) - 1. Sexiest Diva in the WWE. 2. Diva with a pair of very nice 41 1/2 inch legs. 3. Cutest Diva in WWE.

Stacy Kiebler is HOT!

by King Slim August 10, 2004

157👍 69👎

butt fucker

One who invades another's anus.
see Randy Orton

Randy Orton is one gay butt fucking son of a bitch.

by King Slim August 11, 2004

231👍 103👎

Rolly Bitch

Used to describe a rotund, whiney little bastard who bitches incessantly. Rolly Bitches often complain about the littlest things, and often blow things out of proportion. Rolly Bitches often have few or no friends, and are often enemies of Tards. Signs of Rolly Bitchitis are as follows: wearing disgusting muscle shirts that expose flabs and rolls, bitching about people bitching about his own bitching, complaining about his bulldyke mom, doing whatever one says, thus making them a bitch, having stupid ass recordings on their cell phones, and incessant bitching!

(Rolly Bitch just had a few XBox games stolen)
Rolly Bitch: This is the worst loss in America!

(Someone just poked a hole in Rolly Bitch's GameBoy Advance)
Rolly Bitch: All I know is... my life sucks!

by King Slim August 12, 2004

31👍 7👎

The King of the World

King Slim, the greatest person to EVER live.

King Slim is the most kick ass person to ever live! All Hail King Slim!

by King Slim August 11, 2004

11👍 20👎

The Bunghole Brigade

(n). 1. Group of extremely gay little bastards who enjoy playing with and pillaging each other's and other men's anuses.
2. A group of butt pirates who enjoy anal orgies.
3. WWE's faction Evolution

Run for your life! Cover your asses! The Bunghole Brigade has arrived!!!!!!!!!1

by King Slim August 11, 2004

31👍 10👎