Source Code


It is a term made up as recently as 30 years. They used to be called geordies like the rest of us in the North east. But we seperated down to the tension over ship building contracts. Now the term Mackem means a person from the wear in Sunderland. The north east noted that they say makem and they takem instead of we make them and they take them, which is unique in Sunderland. So it stuck.
Now they have accepted it, they must not moan, and they must live with it.

So a mackem is a deluded person who lives in a different world, who hates geordie outsiders from Washington, Tyneside and the rest of the north east.
They come from the ship yards.
They have rubbish football team.
They also brag about past victories over Newcastle, it has been a few years since they beat them but they still go on about 2-1.
They also have the three letters that they tattoo on themselves and show people in their clubs around Sunderland.
The letters are FTM. They think it mean F$%% the mags. But it really means Free ticket mackems. As it is well known that they try to get kids with free tickets.

Where do they makem them free tickets bob?

by Kirk November 19, 2003

112πŸ‘ 341πŸ‘Ž

yo moma

the most god damn stupid joke ever!

fred:hey man this shit is tight
steve: thats what yo momma said last night ohhhh!
fred:... shut the fuck up steve

by Kirk April 4, 2005

41πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Jimi Hendrix

The epitimy of what a guitarist is. Jimmy Page is second to him dude.
(also see 5th def. of Kirk)

Leif: I wish i played guitar like Jimi
Kirk: U play BASS!?
Kirk: Hokay

by Kirk April 7, 2004

48πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


a fine tobacco cigarette

Yo. Let me bum a Pocco

by Kirk August 30, 2004

12πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


to kill something thats already dead

jimmy over-died after being tossed down a ravine, with lit dynomite.

by Kirk July 17, 2005

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

poop snout

When the shit coming out of the ass looks like a pig snout.

by Kirk September 14, 2003

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


meaning I DID DO it when asked a question

Did you sign up for the luncheon.


by Kirk November 16, 2004

133πŸ‘ 212πŸ‘Ž