Source Code


1. (n.) A weapon (generally an assault rifle) chambered in 5.56 NATO caliber.
2. (adj.) of or in 5.56 NATO caliber.

1. "I count three hostiles: two AK's and a five-five-sixer, over."
2. The new five-five-sixer HE round was especially effective against lightly-armored vehicles and personnel.

by Kirk0007 July 26, 2010

6👍 4👎

Abe Lincoln

The sixteenth president of the United States of America, and in this author's opinion a great example of what America is supposed to be about. A strong leader during a time of crisis, he helped to secure the rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness for those who had never known any of these before. His work in starting the Reconstruction was such that not even his successor (and one of the worst presidents the US ever had, in the author's opinion), Andrew Johnson, could reverse it. A leader of a caliber that not even some of the original Founding Fathers could match. America needs more politicians like him, who know what it means to lead a free country.

Abe Lincoln. One of the finest presidents the US has ever had.

by Kirk0007 August 4, 2009

184👍 161👎

Abraham Lincoln

The sixteenth president of the United States of America, and in this author's opinion a great example of what America is supposed to be about. A strong leader during a time of crisis, he helped to secure the rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness for those who had never known any of these before. His work in starting the Reconstruction was such that not even his successor (and one of the worst presidents the US ever had, in the author's opinion), Andrew Johnson, could reverse it. A leader of a caliber that not even some of the original Founding Fathers could match. America needs more politicians like him, who know what it means to lead a free country.

Abraham Lincoln. America needs more like "Honest Abe".

by Kirk0007 August 4, 2009

60👍 45👎