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Klurity is a religion that holds the belief that demons exist in the world and can enter a person's body through their head. To prevent this, followers of Klurity are required to wear head coverings at all times to protect themselves from the demons. This practice, known as "demon shielding," is considered to be a crucial aspect of the Klurity faith.

Teacher-“Take your hat off”
Me-“I can’t”

Me-“Its part of my religion”

Teacher-“And what religion is that”

Me-“ Klurity to protect me from the demons”

Teacher-“Oh Ok sorry”

by KlurityGOD January 20, 2023


Kool guy nice man caring, attractive, sexy, and smart. He is such a kool guy does crazy shit. Out going and does anything he wants. He follows his own path. And protects his family and friends

Person: Hey Decklin want to do crack?
Decklin: fuck it why not.
Person: you are crazy lets smoke crack.

by KlurityGOD November 23, 2021