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Athough this definition might not mean as much to her as the first one, she deserves to be defined more than just once and from more than one person.

Deemah is the type of girl who inspires you through everything, the type of person you aspire to be, while being the person you want to marry.

She’s all three equally, and because she’s so damn great, she’s not cocky.

She’s the girl every guy wants but not every guy can have.

She’s the most beautiful, most smart, most kind, and the greatest person to ever exist.

She will be there for you when you need her most.

And when she sees this, I hope a part of her can finally believe that she’s the one of a kind girl that everyone wants but,

They definitely can’t have.

If it weren’t for Deemah’s existence, the world would stop turning.

by Koooooool December 16, 2017

26👍 3👎