Source Code


A cheap ripoff of Mewtwo. I mean, they both come from space.. And.. Um... Wait, no they don't... Uhh... Shit... They're uh.... Both are psychic! But Mewtwo came first! What a rip off!!!

"Mewtwo has gone through Mako Energy. Deoxys is a little bitch from space. Mewtwo wins."

by Kooper113 August 29, 2004

32πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž


The ultimate pokemon to ever exist. He can kick Mewtwo's ass anyday, screw you if you don't agree! Raaawrrr!! He has such an awesome hat/shell! And he has semi-clothes! That thing around his neck counts! HE'S NOT FUCKING HINDU!!

"I choose you Slowking!"
"Oh, it looks like your Mewtwo FUCKING SUCKS _____ <-insert loser's name here"

"I jack off to Slowking porn."

by Kooper113 August 29, 2004

14πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A cool swordsman who uses three swords. Don't even bother trying to fight him, you'll lose. I mean it. What? What cheese? I have no idea what you're talking about.

"Zoro has three swords... He can also kill people who ride on little wheel things... And clowns... And stuff... He's cool."

by Kooper113 August 29, 2004

393πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž


He is not lovable. I fuckin hate him... He is, by far, the hardest bullshit I've ever gone through. Untill I figured out that stupid-ass pattern. I hate you, I hate you Igniz!!! Also known as Alucard with God powers. Seriously, do a google image search or something.

"Alucard = Igniz"
"He is really easy. Seriously."

by Kooper113 August 29, 2004

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


100% proof that Sephiroth triumphs over Cloud after FF7's story, for he still lives, in another world...

"Come on... It's Sephiroth, I mean, all he did was cut his hair and stuff..."

by Kooper113 August 29, 2004

6πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


The greatest pokemon aside from Slowking. He can spin your ass 360 degrees if you aren't carefull. Hell, his purple laser shit can fuck anyone up. I swear, he's on drugs or something, his eyes glow!! Wait.. MAKO ENERGY! HOLY SHIT! IT'S CLOUD!!

"They should make a movie with Mewtwo vs. Deoxys.. Seriously."

"This is embarassing but he was beaten by a Porygon.. But his trainer sucked, so yeah."

"Mewtwo... I, Sephiroth, shall destroy you-- Cloud! I know your secret damn it!"

by Kooper113 August 29, 2004

91πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


The evil USSR dictator who was defeated by none other than Jack Frost. Since he has no friend, he carrues around a puppet named Doby no matter where he is.

"me is Koolber, me crush Americans! Right Doby? Why yes sir Koobler!"

by Kooper113 August 30, 2003

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž