Donk-Monk-Turk was a word combination of Donkey, Monkey and Turkey two animal names with ending of the word "key"
Look I'm feeding to the Donk-Monk-Turk a creature that looks strange
It's alternative word for remove, Delete, Eradicate and Erase
I went demove Just like erase on the drawing
It's alternative Dictionary Word Version of Remove and Deleted it combined two words into one and Possibly predicted in the Future
I was Demoved For No Reason
Thunderbird is a mythical creature was depicted as An Eagle with Ability of lightning manipulation and possibly an alien creature from outer space
An thunderbird clapping with the wings create a thunderstorm
It's a Combination word of 18th letter of the Greek alphabet is sigma and Earliest word is Charisma are both merged into a new Generation Beta Word that used metaphor as Magical and Kind of unique technology like robots doing occupation
I just Caughted a Sigmarizz Magician Robot
This word "Jacka**" is the censored word version and
How the F**k are you jacka** I'm f**k dead and I'm the *Dead by food poisoning*
An metaphor words from African People travelling to Europe, Asia and Australia, and It was Popularized for Generation Beta Dictionary and yet metaphor word for African People immigrant to Ancient Mediterranean Nations like Ancient Greeks and Roman empire but even traveled to asia and Australia to contact Friendly ethnic groups from the past history.
There's yours a golden Baboon Statue found in Australia