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false information that was created intentionally as false

Disinformation is used in black propaganda.

by Krasnoye_Plamya August 23, 2023


ˈdɛzəleɪt (from Czech dezolát) person who spreads disinformation and has fallen for it; usually, they reject the authority of the state and state institutions and are prone to conspiratorial thinking

The demonstration brought together dezolates from all over Czechia.

by Krasnoye_Plamya August 22, 2023

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člověk, který šíří dezinformace a propadl jim; zpravidla odmítá autoritu státu a státních institucí, je náchylný ke konspiračnímu myšlení

Na demonstraci se sešli dezoláti z celého Česka.

by Krasnoye_Plamya August 22, 2023