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A fictional monstrous wolf with four eyes, two in the front and one on each side of the head, four paws (like a normal wolf), and one humanoid arm capable of grabbing someone. Owouwie comes when you refuse to shower (mostly for kids) or if you're lazy (mostly for adults). Owouwie is a frozen wolf and anything nearby turns immediately frozen. When Owouwie begins his approach, everything very slowly turns frozen around you and it starts to get really cold. Owouwie takes people to a frozen lair, and if you're lazy, Owouwie makes you find your way through a very large frozen maze and you must escape before freezing to death. If you refuse to shower, Owouwie "cooks" you in a very, very cold ice bath and shower and the only way to escape is to finish a full shower cycle before you die.

Braden: Owouwie took me in the night and made me shower in a very cold bath tub. It was horrible and I almost died.
Josselyn: Really? Owouwie made me run through a maze and my feet were so cold in the end, I thought I lost some toes.

by Krifmas October 20, 2023

July 1st

Also known as the dick of July (Julius Caesar).

Bro, my birthday is on July 1st.
You mean the dick of July?
Yeah bro, Julius Caesar had a monster cock.

by Krifmas June 28, 2021


A term to describe a fart being extremely brutal and smelly.

Kaybin: I farted a fart that was so farthicious.
Danny: Bro, I smell it, it's so rank!

by Krifmas July 21, 2024


Scottish term for hostage takers, more specifically "takers of women with feces"

Aye there hostaggebtaiers have our scared women!

by Krifmas July 19, 2024